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The Big Food Collection
Can you help us re-stock our warehouse by organising a collection during our Big Food Collection?
From Monday 23 September to World Food Day on Wednesday 16 October, we are calling on people to support us by organising collections of food and toiletries. Whether it’s a collection with your neighbours, setting up a donation station at work or organising a donation week at school or church, you could play a crucial part in helping us have enough stock to continue to help people across Stockport who are struggling to afford the essentials.
Food donations from our community provide emergency food parcels to thousands of Stockport residents every year.
Q Why are we collecting food at this time?
A We are immensely grateful for the regular donations from Schools, Businesses, Charities, Churches and scores of individuals and organisations, however, as more and more people are needing help from Stockport Foodbank then we need to replenish our warehouse shelves and make sure we have sufficient stocks to meet the demands from our community.
Q How can we get involved?
A It’s an opportunity for Schools and Churches to take up food collections around Harvest time, Businesses and Charites to encourage staff to bring in food donations – the list is endless! You simply choose what style of collection is best suited to yourself. If you can get involved in The Big Food Collection, we’ll all be amazed how quickly the shelves in our warehouse and our eight Foodbank centres will be filled up.
Q Are there any publicity materials available?
A Yes. There are links below to our downloadable poster and leaflet.
PDF poster which can be printed as A4 or A3
Poster (JPG) for use on social media
Q Is The Big Food Collection for a limited time only?
A The Big Food Collection will start on 23 September and will end on World Food Day 16 October. These 3 weeks will provide many opportunities to focus on both local and wider food needs. If you search online for World Food Day you will see plenty of resources to help encourage support for local Foodbanks with donations and by organising ‘food drives’.
Q How do we get the food to you?
A If you can bring your donations to our warehouse at Hazel Grove Baptist Church SK7 4EX we’d love to meet you personally and say ‘thank you’. The warehouse is open every morning, Monday to Friday. If this is difficult or there is a large volume to transport, then please let us know and we’ll see if we can arrange a collection.
Will you be able to organise a food collection for us please and join in The Big Food Collection, this autumn? Every collection really does make a massive difference at this time.